giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

Becoming Calder by Mia Sheridan

Allora se sono brava a tempo di record posso fare mille cose!
Intanto vi presento la SERIE A SIGN OF LOVE di Mia Sheridan di cui sono usciti con la Newton Compton Editori i primi tre capitoli. Adesso vi parlerò del quarto prima parte: Becoming Calder.

TITOLO: Becoming Calder
AUTORE: Mia Sheridan

#1 SE NON TORNI STO MALE, Leo, 24 Settembre 2015
#1.5 TORNO SEMPRE DA TE, Leo's Chance, 5 Novembre 2015
#2 Stinger
#3 DIMMI CHE SARAI QUI, Archer's Voice, 3 Dicembre 2015
#4.1 Becoming Calder
#4.2 Finding Eden
#5 Kyland

GENERE: New Adult
CASA EDITRICE: Newton Compton Eidtori
PREZZO:  € kindle // € flessibile // € rigida


There is a place in modern day America with no electricity, no plumbing, and no modern conveniences. In this place, there is no room for dreams, no space for self-expression, and no tolerance for ambition.

In this place, there is a boy with the body of a god and the heart of a warrior. He is strong and faithful and serves his family honorably. But he dares to dream of more.

In this place, there is a girl with the face of an angel and a heart full of courage. To her family, she is the vision of obedient perfection. But she dares to want that which she has been told can never be hers.

Becoming Calder is the story of good versus evil, fear versus bravery, and the truth that the light of love has always found its way into even the darkest of places . . . From the beginning of time, to the end of the world.

THIS IS THE FIRST PART IN A TWO-PART SIGN OF LOVE SERIES INSPIRED BY AQUARIUS. THE SECOND PART, FINDING EDEN, RELEASES SIMULTANEOUSLY. New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and graphic sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.


Mia Sheridan
È una scrittrice bestseller di New York Times, USA Today e Wall Street Journal. La sua passione sono le grandi storie d’amore. Mia vive a Cincinnati, nell’Ohio, con il marito e quattro figli.



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